
Brides Little Helper, Wedding Stationery, Venue Dressing, Wedding Design

I had a wander into Clitheroe this afternoon to visit an old friend, I also took the opportunity to pop in and visit a couple of my other friends and their fabulous new Wedding Stationery & Wedding Design Shop.

I had a wander into Clitheroe this afternoon to visit an old friend, I also took the opportunity to pop in and visit a couple of my other friends and their fabulous new Wedding Stationery & Wedding Design Shop.

Nicola & Mark are quite simply two of the most down to earth people that I have come across in this business, and whilst they have a fantastic product they are also well an truly grounded people who are very successful at what they do.

Feeling slightly guilty that I wasn’t there for their Grand opening in January as I was away on holiday, I thought that I would pop in and say hello.

Once I had coerced Mark into making me a brew he then took me upstairs to see Nicola in the boudoir, sorry office! and hiding behind her Apple, there she was in all her fine glory.

Nicola & Mark provide some of the very best wedding stationery in Lancashire and along with fabulous Wedding Design I would highly recommend you checking them out, you can find a link to their website here Brides Little Helper brideslittlehelper.co.uk